Two historical electric locomotives, both with the second FEPASA livery, awaiting for their orders at the Rincão station: a G.E. V8 locomotive at the left and a Baldwin-Westinghouse box locomotive at the right. Rincão was the last station of the electrified section of the branch Jundiaí-Colômbia of the former Companhia Paulista. Now, as the electrification of the FEPASA/FERROBAN lines is over, they both are only relics of a legendary age, when

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded

This photo was taken by Cid José Beraldo, from São Paulo SP, using a Tokina 35-70mm lens and one Praktica LTL photographic machine, without filter. It was kindkly distributed by him at the E.F. Brasil, an electronic list for discussion about the Brazilian railroads. The lyrics were extracted from the song High Hopes, from the Pink Floyd album The Division Bell.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni