Monotrilho de Poços de Caldas
Since 1990 Poços de Caldas has a 6 km monorail linking its bus station to downtown, with eleven stations along the line. It was designed, built and operated by J. Ferreira, who has a 50 year concession. Its cars are made of aluminum, probably due to the promotion of Alcoa Aluminum, an American company which haves alumina mines between Poços de Caldas and Águas da Prata. This system has only one single track line, but another one can be built using the same columns if demand requires. Unfortunately this seems not to be the case, as the monorail only works on Saturdays and Sundays, serving tourists that visit the city. The cars have capacity of 80 passengers and are electrically powered; however, they also have diesel motors which can be used in case of electric power shortage.
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Other sites about the Monotrilho de Poços de Caldas:

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Last Update: 22 March 2003
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