Hidrelétrica de Itatinga
This short tramway line, with 800 mm gauge, links the city of Bertioga to a small hydroelectric power plant near the Serra do Mar, which provides electricity to the Santos harbor. This plant is about 8 km north of Bertioga. This railway began operation in 1906, to transport materials and workers during the dam and power plant construction. After the works were read it was kept to bring supplies and workers from town. Originally it had some little steam engines, but in January 1958 the line was electrified and a tramway service begin. Until today it is the almost exclusive way that links the hydroelectric power plant and the little village nearby to the world; there is an alternative trail that allows transit to people, bikes and motorcycle, but no cars or trucks can run. Some of this info was extracted from the definitive book about the Brazilian tramways, The Tramways of Brazil: A 130 Year Survey, by Allen Morrison, from New York, U.S.A.
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Last Update: 23 February 2002
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