Estrada de Ferro Perus-Pirapora
This was a small railroad that served the "Fábrica de Cimento Perus" (Perus
Cement Factory) in Perus, a small village in the north of São Paulo city,
served by the Estrada de Ferro Santos a Jundiaí. It linked the factory with
its limestone quarries and was about 35 kilometers long, using a very narrow
gauge (60 cm). The operation in that railroad ended in 1983, when the cement
factory went bankrupt, but most part of its rolling stock still can be
preserved. The Indústrias Reunidas
Frateschi issued a 1999 calendar with photos of this railroad.
Click on the Photo to Expand it!
Other sites about the E.F. Perus-Pirapora:

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Last Update: 27 August 2000
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni