Estrada de Ferro Jari
The Jari Project was idealized and built the the American tycoon Daniel Ludwig to explore wood, caolin and rice in the north of the Brazilian Pará state, near the border with the Amapá state. The E.F. Jari was built to transport wood for the giant celulose factory of Jari Celulose S.A., that begin operation in 1979. The extracted wood is transported to the Munguba Port, at the banks of the Jari River. This railroad was originally conceived to have 200 km of extension, with nine switchyards to receive the wood being transported. However, several factors restricted it to 68 quilometres, 1.60 m gauge, using diesel-electric traction. It has two 2200 HP E.M.D. SD38-2 locomotives, built in U.S.A in 1978. This railroad uses mainly flat cars built in Brazil by Cobrasma. Nowadays this railroad is also being used for the transportation of refractory bauxite, using hopper cars borrowed from E.F. Amapá.
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Last Update: 15 September 2002
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni