Estrada de Ferro Elétrica Votorantim
This railroad links Sorocaba to the small town of Votorantim and serves mainly a cement factory at that place. This road had originally electric traction and tramways. Public tramway service was disrupted in 1966. Electric traction was used up to 1986, when a collision between the last electric locomotive and another FEPASA machine determined its end. Since then its trains
are being pulled by diesel-electric FEPASA locomotives. The activities of this railroad halted in 1999, as the costs of freight transport skyrocketed after the privatization of FEPASA, but resumed in 2000. A tramway and a electric locomotive were revamped and are being
exposed at the Santa Helena yards, in Votorantim.
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Last Update: 02 June 2002
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni