Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão
This is a small touristic railroad (or long tramway line?) in the São Paulo state, linking Pindamonhangaba, in the Paraíba
do Sul river valley, to Campos do Jordão, a small leisure city in the Mantiqueira mountains, 2,000 meters above sea level.
This city has a cold, dry, very pleasant European-style climate. This railroad has metric gauge and is one of the last
electrified railroads in Brazil. The railroad section in the Serra da Mantiqueira is very beautiful and also very
interesting to railfans,
as it has very steep gradients negotiated without special resources like funicular or rack systems, only plain adherence.
Note that there is an altitude difference of about 1,400 m between Pindamonhangaba and Campos do Jordão...
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Other sites about the E.F. Campos do Jordão:

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Last Update: 01 June 2002
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni