Companhia Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro
This is also one of the most important railroads in the São Paulo state.
It served its northeast region, which was a whealty coffee producer during the
first half of the XX century; some of its branches even crossed the border
of the Minas Gerais state. Its main line links Campinas to Araguari, where
it connects with the former E.F. Goiás. This allowed the connection of
Brasília, the capital of Brazil, with the Brazilian railroad network, in
1967. During
the late sixties and early seventies the Bandeirante, a luxury express
passenger train, run between Campinas and Brasília. It was composed with
the then famous Budd-design stainless steel cars, built in Brazil
by Mafersa. Passengers from São Paulo city
could reach Campinas using the trains of Companhia Paulista. In 1971 Companhia
Mogiana was absorbed by FEPASA, the São Paulo state
owned railroad network. A major overhaul of its main line, including
electrification, was then started, within a program called Corredor de
Exportação (Exportation Corridor). Its main line was effectively rebuilt
with a modern design; it is shorter and straighter
than the former project. Unfortunately, many old stations had to be
abandoned, as the new line avoided to cross cities.
The electrification program was not completed. Only two electric locomotives
were built, but, after all, were not used in this line! In 1995 FEPASA
finally decided to give
up on the electrification project of this line. Tons and tons of
brand new material and electric equipment still
remains abandoned in several FEPASA works... After the privatisation of
FEPASA, in 1998, a new
company assumed the former Companhia Mogiana lines: FERROBAN - Ferrovias
Bandeirantes S.A.
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Other sites about Companhia Mogiana:

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Last Update: 19 June 2003
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni