The former Companhia Paulista/FEPASA installations in Jundiaí were bought by the Jundiai city government. The first decision of the new owners was to install a Escola de Samba ("Samba School") in the former sheds of Companhia Paulista, along with some old rolling stock, as can be seen in the photo. As a matter of fact, Brazil must be the hell for railfans! Well, at least we can sing when we visit the museum:

Tire seu sorriso do caminho,
Que eu quero passar com minha dor...

We can translate these lyrics approximately as, "Get your smile out of the way / Because I want to pass with my pain"... Photo shot in February 9, 2002 by Fernando Picarelli Martins, from Jundiaí SP. These lyrics were extracted from the samba A Flor e o Espinho (The Flower and the Thorn), by Nélson Cavaquinho, Guilherme de Brito e Alcides Caminha.

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© Antonio Augusto Gorni