BAR GP7d #631 in an approximation of the BAR's bicentennial paint

The ILW gp7ds are remanufactured, as you would expect, from EMD GP7s and similarly framed geeps. They have an all-new AC drivetrain – powered by a Cummins QSK50 – for approximately 2100 HP & 82000 pounds of starting TE.

The first one was a rebuild of the Bangor & Aroostook’s ex-bicentennial unit. This engine was being kept on the roster for historical reasons, so the locomotive went to ILW with instructions to disturb the carbody as little as possible. A QSK50 is not even close to a tight fit, that part of the remanufacturing was easy; plumbing the EMD radiator, on the other hand, was enough of a pain that ILW stopped even trying to save that section of the carbody on future rebuilds.

Adrian & Blissfield GP9d #1752 in LIONEL LINES paint

Subsequently gp7ds all came out of the shop looking less like their donor locomotives; the radiator & electrical compartments were replaced & the roof was cleared of fans, so they all looked more the same than like their donor locomotives.

Ottawa Valley GP20d in LT&L tricolour paint

However, as time went on the remanufactured units went back to using more of their original carbodies; later versions – like Ottawa Valley’s ex-GP20 #1587 – kept their electrical compartments (not the internals; those were still replaced with AC components) and most of exiting roof hardware.

The `d' suffix is, as you might guess, for doppelgänger.

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    Wed Aug 30 01:04:57 PDT 2023